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Thomas Perriello, Envoye Special de la Region de Grands Lacs

L’Envoyé Spécial des Etats-Unis : Des Sanctions Additionnelles Restent Possibles en RDC Etant Donné que Kabila Reste une Priorité

Les États-Unis restent engagés pour arriver à un consensus avant la fin du mandat du président Joseph Kabila en décembre, car le renouvellement de la violence et de la répression en République démocratique du Congo pourrait entraîner des sanctions supplémentaires ciblées de la part de la communauté internationale.

Tom Perriello, Envoyé Spécial des Etats-Unis pour la Région des Grands Lacs d’Afrique, a assuré aux participants d’une discussion en ligne jeudi que les Etats-Unis veulent un accord qui garantit les élections en 2017 et qui bénéficie d’un large soutien du peuple congolais. Il a ajouté que la communauté internationale est prête à imposer des sanctions supplémentaires au-delà de celles qui ont inclus Célestin Kanyama, Gabriel Amisi Kumba et John Numbi.

Kabila a bloqué les élections et réprimé la dissidence à la suite de violentes manifestations à Kinshasa, Beni et d’autres villes qui ont laissé de nombreux morts. Les forces de sécurité ont mis fin aux manifestations organisées le week-end dernier par le leader politique de l’opposition, Étienne Tshisekedi, et les militants pour la démocratie, suivis de l’ingérence continue des responsables de la RDC auprès des citoyens.

Répondant à la question sur le blocage de la Radio Okapi et Radio France Internationale dont les signaux avaient été coupés à Kinshasa après les manifestations de samedi, il condamna le gouvernement congolais pour avoir violé le droit constitutionnel qui protège le peuple et accorde la liberté de la presse.

Le fait de restreindre ces voix est un signe de peur, a-t-il dit, rejoignant un groupe d’ONG et d’autres organisations, dont l’UNHRC, qui s’opposent à l’escalade des arrestations de journalistes et aux violations de la presse libre en RDC.

Répondant aux questions sur tout changement dans l’engagement des États-Unis suite à l’élection du candidat républicain à la présidence, Donald J. Trump, M. Perriello a déclaré que les États-Unis affirment leur soutien à l’autodétermination du peuple congolais de manière bipartite, c.-à-d., républicains et démocrates.

US Africa Media Hub@AfricaMediaHub 8 nov.

Twitter Q&A with @US_SEGL Perriello on his recent trip to #Africa & current situation in #DRC & #Burundi. Submit Q's now using #SEGLinAfrica

U.S. Special Envoy, A/SThomas-Greenfield, Department of State et 7 autres


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US Africa Media Hub@AfricaMediaHub 24 hil y a 24 heures

Thanks for your questions. I look forward to continuing to engage on these issues. #SEGLinAfrica

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US Africa Media Hub@AfricaMediaHub 24 hil y a 24 heures

US Africa Media Hub a retweeté US Africa Media Hub

We condemn violence &are considering more sanctions. UN report places significant blame on govt. We will consider all options. #SEGLinAfrica

US Africa Media Hub ajouté,

US Africa Media Hub @AfricaMediaHub

Q from @lecombattant: Why have the U.S. not sanctioned the Kabila administration after the September 19 and 20 massacre? #seglinafrica

0 réponse 5 Retweets 2 j'aime

US Africa Media Hub@AfricaMediaHub 1 jil y a 1 jour

US Africa Media Hub a retweeté US Africa Media Hub

We remain concerned about political & security crisis in Burundi & strongly support the deployment of additional AU monitors. #SEGLinAfrica

US Africa Media Hub ajouté,

US Africa Media Hub @AfricaMediaHub

Recently the African Union has noted progress in Burundi. What is the position of the U.S.? On what basis? #SEGLinAfrica …

0 réponse 7 Retweets 1 j'aime

US Africa Media Hub@AfricaMediaHub 1 jil y a 1 jour

US Africa Media Hub a retweeté Vyukusenge Augustin

Recently the African Union has noted progress in Burundi. What is the position of the U.S.? On what basis? #SEGLinAfrica

US Africa Media Hub ajouté,

Vyukusenge Augustin @vyukaugust

Récemment l'UA a noté des progrès au Burundi, @Jamal_Benomar de même. Pour les USA, quelle est votre position?Sur quelle base? #SEGLinAfrica

0 réponse 2 Retweets 0 j'aime

US Africa Media Hub@AfricaMediaHub 10 nov.

US Africa Media Hub a retweeté US Africa Media Hub

Our hope is to see a solution reached before the end of the Constitutional mandate to avoid clashes like we saw in Sept. #SEGLinAfrica

US Africa Media Hub ajouté,

US Africa Media Hub @AfricaMediaHub

If I understand correctly, there will be a solution for the future of the DRC before December 19? #SEGLinAfrica …

0 réponse 5 Retweets 3 j'aime

US Africa Media Hub@AfricaMediaHub 10 nov.

US Africa Media Hub a retweeté Amisi gaston

If I understand correctly, there will be a solution for the future of the DRC before December 19? #SEGLinAfrica

US Africa Media Hub ajouté,

Amisi gaston @AmisiG

Si je comprends bien avant le 19/12 /2016 il y aura une solution pour l'avenir de la rdc #USAAfrique

0 réponse 1 Retweet 0 j'aime

US Africa Media Hub@AfricaMediaHub 10 nov.

US Africa Media Hub a retweeté US Africa Media Hub

The U.S. supports all efforts, including CENCO’s, to forge an inclusive consensus path to alternance. #SEGLinAfrica

US Africa Media Hub ajouté,

US Africa Media Hub @AfricaMediaHub

Are you still asking for a second dialogue according to resolution 2277? Inclusiveness implies who exactly in the DRC? #SEGLinAfrica …

0 réponse 4 Retweets 3 j'aime

US Africa Media Hub@AfricaMediaHub 10 nov.

US Africa Media Hub a retweeté Ibabila Arnauld

Are you still asking for a second dialogue according to resolution 2277? Inclusiveness implies who exactly in the DRC? #SEGLinAfrica

US Africa Media Hub ajouté,

Ibabila Arnauld @arnstyle2000

#usaafrique @USAenFrancais Etes vous toujours demandeur d'un second dialogue selon la résol 2277 en ? L'inclusivité implique qui en #RDC ?

0 réponse 1 Retweet 0 j'aime

US Africa Media Hub@AfricaMediaHub 10 nov.

US Africa Media Hub a retweeté US Africa Media Hub

The U.S. has been vociferous in supporting Congolese desire for democracy and alternance. #SEGLinAfrica

US Africa Media Hub ajouté,

US Africa Media Hub @AfricaMediaHub

Why does the U.S. say nothing when President Kabila subjects the population to dictatorship? #SEGLinAfrica …

0 réponse 1 Retweet 0 j'aime

US Africa Media Hub@AfricaMediaHub 10 nov.

US Africa Media Hub a retweeté albert mfwamba

Why does the U.S. say nothing when President Kabila subjects the population to dictatorship? #SEGLinAfrica

US Africa Media Hub ajouté,

albert mfwamba @albertmfwamba1

@USAenFrancais @eyokana @juantedbelkas @US_SEGL Pourquoi le président Kabila soumet la population à la dictature les USA ne disent rien ?

0 réponse 2 Retweets 1 j'aime

US Africa Media Hub@AfricaMediaHub 10 nov.

Q from @lecombattant: Why have the U.S. not sanctioned the Kabila administration after the September 19 and 20 massacre? #seglinafrica

0 réponse 0 Retweet 0 j'aime

US Africa Media Hub@AfricaMediaHub 10 nov.

US Africa Media Hub a retweeté US Africa Media Hub

Congolese people must decide path forward for DRC. Intl community will support Congolese voices, institutions & constitution. #SEGLinAfrica

US Africa Media Hub ajouté,

US Africa Media Hub @AfricaMediaHub

Do you know that the Congolese people have lost confidence in the international community of which you are the leader? #SEGLinAfrica …

0 réponse 1 Retweet 1 j'aime

US Africa Media Hub@AfricaMediaHub 10 nov.

US Africa Media Hub a retweeté Musafiri Matongo

Do you know that the Congolese people have lost confidence in the international community of which you are the leader? #SEGLinAfrica

US Africa Media Hub ajouté,

Musafiri Matongo @musafiridm

@USAenFrancais @US_SEGL #USAAfrique Savez-vous que le peuple congolais a perdu confience dans la communauté internationale dt vs êtes leadr

0 réponse 1 Retweet 0 j'aime

US Africa Media Hub@AfricaMediaHub 10 nov.

US Africa Media Hub a retweeté US Africa Media Hub

US has always been heavily invested in security & development in Central Africa. This partnership will remain for yrs to come. #SEGLinAfrica

US Africa Media Hub ajouté,

US Africa Media Hub @AfricaMediaHub

Thank you for the opportunity. What it is level of US involvement in Central Africa to promote development, peace & security? #SEGLinAfrica …

0 réponse 1 Retweet 0 j'aime

US Africa Media Hub@AfricaMediaHub 10 nov.

US Africa Media Hub a retweeté Education Is a Right

Thank you for the opportunity. What it is level of US involvement in Central Africa to promote development, peace & security? #SEGLinAfrica

US Africa Media Hub ajouté,

Education Is a Right @FaustinNtala

@US_SEGL #USAAfrique merci de l'op'tunité. Kel est le niveau d'implication des USA en Afrique centrale pr promouvoir dvpt, paix et sécurité?

0 réponse 2 Retweets 1 j'aime

US Africa Media Hub@AfricaMediaHub 10 nov.

US Africa Media Hub a retweeté US Africa Media Hub

The future of DRC as always will be written by Congolese. The US will continue to support their voices and rights. #SEGLinAfrica

US Africa Media Hub ajouté,

US Africa Media Hub @AfricaMediaHub

There are 2 months left for Obama administration, will you be able to change something with regard to DRC in that time? #SEGLinAfrica …

0 réponse 1 Retweet 0 j'aime

US Africa Media Hub@AfricaMediaHub 10 nov.

US Africa Media Hub a retweeté le combattants

There are 2 months left for Obama administration, will you be able to change something with regard to DRC in that time? #SEGLinAfrica

US Africa Media Hub ajouté,

le combattants @lecombattants


0 réponse 2 Retweets 1 j'aime

US Africa Media Hub@AfricaMediaHub 10 nov.

US Africa Media Hub a retweeté US Africa Media Hub

US policy supports Congolese constitution, a foundation for peace & prosperity. We support Congolese right to choose leaders. #SEGLinAfrica

US Africa Media Hub ajouté,

US Africa Media Hub @AfricaMediaHub

Is the US not hypocritical when the people in the Great Lakes region live under more dictatorship than democracy? #SEGLinAfrica …

0 réponse 1 Retweet 0 j'aime

US Africa Media Hub@AfricaMediaHub 10 nov.

US Africa Media Hub a retweeté 5eme président

Is the US not hypocritical when the people in the Great Lakes region live under more dictatorship than democracy? #SEGLinAfrica

US Africa Media Hub ajouté,

5eme président @5emePresident

@usaenfrancais @us_segl est-ce les usa n est pas hypocrite vis à vis de peuple du pays de grand lac ou la population vit ds la démocrature?

0 réponse 3 Retweets 0 j'aime

US Africa Media Hub@AfricaMediaHub 10 nov.

US Africa Media Hub a retweeté US Africa Media Hub

DRC has long received bipartisan support from both executive & legislative branches. That engagement & support will continue. #SEGLinAfrica

US Africa Media Hub ajouté,

US Africa Media Hub @AfricaMediaHub

With the change of administration, should we fear a diminishing/relaxation of American action with regards to the RDC? #SEGLinAfrica …

0 réponse 10 Retweets 4 j'aime

US Africa Media Hub@AfricaMediaHub 10 nov.

US Africa Media Hub a retweeté Muntu'a Polondo

With the change of administration, should we fear a diminishing/relaxation of American action with regards to the RDC? #SEGLinAfrica

US Africa Media Hub ajouté,

Muntu'a Polondo @muntuapolondo

@USAenFrancais @US_SEGL Changement d'administration: Doit-on craindre un relâchement de l'action américaine sur le Congo ? #RDC #USAAfrique

0 réponse 2 Retweets 0 j'aime

US Africa Media Hub@AfricaMediaHub 10 nov.

US Africa Media Hub a retweeté US Africa Media Hub

.@POTUS: Peaceful transition of power is hallmark of US democracy...going to show that to the world  #SEGLinAfrica

US Africa Media Hub ajouté,

US Africa Media Hub @AfricaMediaHub

Will the President-elect of U.S. follow the current situation in DRC with concern for respect of the Constitution? #SEGLinAfrica …

0 réponse 4 Retweets 2 j'aime

US Africa Media Hub@AfricaMediaHub 10 nov.

US Africa Media Hub a retweeté Edmond Lwangi Tcheli

Will the President-elect of U.S. follow the current situation in DRC with concern for respect of the Constitution? #SEGLinAfrica

US Africa Media Hub ajouté,

Edmond Lwangi Tcheli @edlwangi

@USAenFrancais @US_SEGL le President élu des USA va-t-il suivre la situation actuelle en RDC avec comme souci le respect de la Constitution?

0 réponse 2 Retweets 0 j'aime

US Africa Media Hub@AfricaMediaHub 10 nov.

US Africa Media Hub a retweeté US Africa Media Hub

Deeply concerned by violence & atrocities in Beni. We support full cooperation and joint operations between the UN and GDRC. #SEGLinAfrica

US Africa Media Hub ajouté,

US Africa Media Hub @AfricaMediaHub

Can you comment on Beni and the civil society proposal on a special mediator? #SEGLinAfrica …

0 réponse 7 Retweets 3 j'aime

US Africa Media Hub@AfricaMediaHub 10 nov.

US Africa Media Hub a retweeté PositiveAction 42-45

Can you comment on Beni and the civil society proposal on a special mediator? #SEGLinAfrica

US Africa Media Hub ajouté,

PositiveAction 42-45 @RemyKasindi

Il faudra qu'il nous dise un mot sur #beni# et la proposition de la société civile sur un #médiateur spécial# béni. …

0 réponse 3 Retweets 1 j'aime

US Africa Media Hub@AfricaMediaHub 10 nov.

US Africa Media Hub a retweeté US Africa Media Hub

We condemn GDRC limits to press freedom, an essential guarantee in Congo constitution. Restricting voices = sign of fear #SEGLinAfrica

US Africa Media Hub ajouté,

US Africa Media Hub @AfricaMediaHub

The authorities have cut/jammed the signals of RFI and Radio Okapi in Kinshasa since Saturday, is it justified? #SEGLinAfrica …

0 réponse 10 Retweets 3 j'aime

US Africa Media Hub@AfricaMediaHub 10 nov.

US Africa Media Hub a retweeté Jacob Ntumba®

The authorities have cut/jammed the signals of RFI and Radio Okapi in Kinshasa since Saturday, is it justified? #SEGLinAfrica

US Africa Media Hub ajouté,

Jacob Ntumba® @JacobNtumba

@usaenfrancais @us_segl Les autorités ont coupé les signaux d RFI et de Radio Okapi à Kinshasa dpuis samedi, elle t el justifiée #usaafrique

0 réponse 2 Retweets 0 j'aime

US Africa Media Hub@AfricaMediaHub 10 nov.

US Africa Media Hub a retweeté US Africa Media Hub

2/2 Transfers of power in adherence w/country’s constitution bring energy, ideas, accountability, strengthening governance. #SEGLinAfrica

US Africa Media Hub ajouté,

US Africa Media Hub @AfricaMediaHub

Why the double standard in the Great Lakes? Kagame can change the constitution. Museveni can do more than 3 terms. #SEGLinAfrica …

0 réponse 4 Retweets 0 j'aime

US Africa Media Hub@AfricaMediaHub 10 nov.

US Africa Media Hub a retweeté US Africa Media Hub

1/2 US has supported peaceful transfers of power and adherence to constitutions throughout Africa & world. #SEGLinAfrica

US Africa Media Hub ajouté,

US Africa Media Hub @AfricaMediaHub

Why the double standard in the Great Lakes? Kagame can change the constitution. Museveni can do more than 3 terms. #SEGLinAfrica …

0 réponse 4 Retweets 0 j'aime

US Africa Media Hub@AfricaMediaHub 10 nov.

US Africa Media Hub a retweeté Eric Lukoki

Why the double standard in the Great Lakes? Kagame can change the constitution. Museveni can do more than 3 terms. #SEGLinAfrica

US Africa Media Hub ajouté,

Eric Lukoki @eric_lukoki

@USAenFrancais @US_SEGL pourquoi 2 poids 2 mesures ds les gds lacs, Kagame peut modifier la constitution, Museveni peut faire +de 3 mandats

0 réponse 3 Retweets 2 j'aime

US Africa Media Hub@AfricaMediaHub 10 nov.

US Africa Media Hub a retweeté US Africa Media Hub

A deal that guarantees elections in 2017 and that has broad support from across Congolese society. #SEGLinAfrica

US Africa Media Hub ajouté,

US Africa Media Hub @AfricaMediaHub

What would be a good agreement in the eyes of the U.S.? Transition with or without Kabila? #SEGLinAfrica …

0 réponse 10 Retweets 1 j'aime

US Africa Media Hub@AfricaMediaHub 10 nov.

US Africa Media Hub a retweeté Eric Lukoki

What would be a good agreement in the eyes of the U.S.? Transition with or without Kabila? #SEGLinAfrica

US Africa Media Hub ajouté,

Eric Lukoki @eric_lukoki

@USAenFrancais @US_SEGL quel serait le bon accord pr les Usa? Transition avec ou sans kabila ?

0 réponse 2 Retweets 0 j'aime

US Africa Media Hub@AfricaMediaHub 10 nov.

US Africa Media Hub a retweeté US Africa Media Hub

MONUSCO is actively involved in civilian protection and monitoring across DRC, particularly in the East. #SEGLinAfrica

US Africa Media Hub ajouté,

US Africa Media Hub @AfricaMediaHub

Why is UN not going to get involved in protecting Congolese in east & Kinshasa? Govt has been incompetent since 16 yrs ago #SEGLinAfrica …

0 réponse 5 Retweets 0 j'aime

US Africa Media Hub@AfricaMediaHub 10 nov.

US Africa Media Hub a retweeté Alain Issenge

Why is UN not going to get involved in protecting Congolese in east & Kinshasa? Govt has been incompetent since 16 yrs ago #SEGLinAfrica

US Africa Media Hub ajouté,

Alain Issenge @IssengeAlain

@USAenFrancais @US_SEGL pourquoi l'ONU n v pas s'impliqué à protéger l congolais a l'Est et à Kin;l gvrnmt en place incapable il y 16ans

0 réponse 2 Retweets 0 j'aime

US Africa Media Hub@AfricaMediaHub 10 nov.

US Africa Media Hub a retweeté US Africa Media Hub

.@POTUS to @_AfricanUnion: "Africa is on the move, a new Africa is emerging" but only with governance & transparency. #SEGLinAfrica

US Africa Media Hub ajouté,

US Africa Media Hub @AfricaMediaHub

The pauperisation of the Congolese population by people in power, will it never be a crime against humanity? #SEGLinAfrica …

0 réponse 9 Retweets 3 j'aime

US Africa Media Hub@AfricaMediaHub 10 nov.

US Africa Media Hub a retweeté i

The pauperisation of the Congolese population by people in power, will it never be a crime against humanity? #SEGLinAfrica

US Africa Media Hub ajouté,

i @richardNgamuha1

@USAenFrancais @US_SEGL la paupérisation des populations la RDC par le pouvoir ne serait elle pas un crime contre l' humanité?

0 réponse 1 Retweet 0 j'aime

US Africa Media Hub@AfricaMediaHub 10 nov.

US Africa Media Hub a retweeté US Africa Media Hub

Negotiations have new life after EAC heads of state reinforcement. Regardless, GOB must create safe political space for all. #SEGLinAfrica

US Africa Media Hub ajouté,

US Africa Media Hub @AfricaMediaHub

Aside from the failed negotiations, what other solution do you envision to resolve the crisis in Burundi? #SEGLinAfrica …

0 réponse 6 Retweets 1 j'aime

US Africa Media Hub@AfricaMediaHub 10 nov.

US Africa Media Hub a retweeté Ragnar rodbrok

Aside from the failed negotiations, what other solution do you envision to resolve the crisis in Burundi? #SEGLinAfrica

US Africa Media Hub ajouté,

Ragnar rodbrok @Ragnar_rodbrok7

@USAenFrancais @US_SEGL A part les négocitions déjà échouées,quelle autre solution envisagée pour résoudre #BurundiCrisis?#USAAfrique

0 réponse 3 Retweets 1 j'aime

US Africa Media Hub@AfricaMediaHub 10 nov.

US Africa Media Hub a retweeté US Africa Media Hub

.@US_SEGL: Great Lakes has long received bipartisan support across exec & leg branches of USG. #SEGLinAfrica

US Africa Media Hub ajouté,

US Africa Media Hub @AfricaMediaHub

What will American policy in the Great Lakes region and in the DRC under the new president? #SEGLinAfrica …

0 réponse 5 Retweets 1 j'aime

US Africa Media Hub@AfricaMediaHub 10 nov.

US Africa Media Hub a retweeté Eric Lukoki

What will American policy in the Great Lakes region and in the DRC under the new president? #SEGLinAfrica

US Africa Media Hub ajouté,

Eric Lukoki @eric_lukoki

@USAenFrancais @US_SEGL que pourrait être la politique américaine du nouveau président pour les grands lacs et la Rdc?

0 réponse 2 Retweets 0 j'aime

US Africa Media Hub@AfricaMediaHub 10 nov.

US Africa Media Hub a retweeté Arsène Mukendi

UN Special Envoy Djinnit has reinvigorated attention to PSCF. Ultimately up to signatories to abide by commitments. #SEGLinAfrica

US Africa Media Hub ajouté,

Arsène Mukendi @tshidmukendi

@US_SEGL what course of action is required to ensure a full application of the peace, security & cooperation framework in DRC? #SEGLinAfrica

0 réponse 7 Retweets 3 j'aime

US Africa Media Hub@AfricaMediaHub 10 nov.

US Africa Media Hub a retweeté George Iregi

Private sector wants to see constitutional stability to ensure return on long term investments in the Great Lakes. #SEGLinAfrica

US Africa Media Hub ajouté,

George Iregi @IregiGeorge

@AfricaMediaHub #SEGLinAfrica. Investments are good when there are results to show. Have there been a follow up to see these future prospects implemented?

0 réponse 5 Retweets 0 j'aime

US Africa Media Hub@AfricaMediaHub 10 nov.

US Africa Media Hub a retweeté George Iregi

Thanks for encouragement. We have learned always listen to all people, not just few leaders to understand future of country. #SEGLinAfrica

US Africa Media Hub ajouté,

George Iregi @IregiGeorge

@AfricaMediaHub @US_SEGL Great work. What have you found out that was done differently in the past that you would recommend to change? #SEGLinAfrica

0 réponse 6 Retweets 1 j'aime

US Africa Media Hub@AfricaMediaHub 10 nov.

US Africa Media Hub a retweeté US Africa Media Hub

USG has sanctioned 3 & ready to impose more on those who undermine #DRC democratic process. #SEGLinAfrica

US Africa Media Hub ajouté,

US Africa Media Hub @AfricaMediaHub

When will sanctions be executed against Boshab and Kalev that have been proposed by congress? #SEGLinAfrica …

0 réponse 9 Retweets 4 j'aime

US Africa Media Hub@AfricaMediaHub 10 nov.

US Africa Media Hub a retweeté Eyokana RDC

When will sanctions be executed against Boshab and Kalev that have been proposed by congress? #SEGLinAfrica

US Africa Media Hub ajouté,

Eyokana RDC @eyokana

@USAenFrancais @juantedbelkas @US_SEGL Question1: A quand l'exécution des sanctions contre Boshab et Kalev proposées par le congrès?

0 réponse 2 Retweets 0 j'aime

US Africa Media Hub@AfricaMediaHub 10 nov.

US Africa Media Hub a retweeté US Africa Media Hub

USG has sanctioned 3 & ready to impose more on those who undermine #DRC democratic process. #SEGLinAfrica

US Africa Media Hub ajouté,

US Africa Media Hub @AfricaMediaHub

It’s clear that the regime is criminal: When will there be sanctions against Kabila and Bisengimana? #SEGLinAfrica …

0 réponse 11 Retweets 3 j'aime

US Africa Media Hub@AfricaMediaHub 10 nov.

US Africa Media Hub a retweeté Eyokana RDC

It’s clear that the regime is criminal: When will there be sanctions against Kabila and Bisengimana? #SEGLinAfrica

US Africa Media Hub ajouté,

Eyokana RDC @eyokana

@USAenFrancais @juantedbelkas @US_SEGL Question3: Il est clair que ce régime est criminel:A quand les sanctions contre Kabila+ Bisengimana?

0 réponse 3 Retweets 0 j'aime">">US Africa Media Hub@AfricaMediaHub" title="09:00 - 10 nov. 2016">10 nov.

US Africa Media Hub a retweeté Roi Samagoue

We believe individuals are well aware of and considering the impact of targeted international sanctions.">#SEGLinAfrica

US Africa Media Hub ajouté,

Roi Samagoue @Samagoue

#USAAfrique when evaluating effect of sanctions on 3 official, can u say good deterrent? Y haven't we seen larger scale & crippling sanction

0 réponse 6 Retweets 3 j'aime">">US Africa Media Hub@AfricaMediaHub" title="08:55 - 10 nov. 2016">10 nov.

US Africa Media Hub a retweeté iBurundi

US has been consistently evaluating Burundi’s role in AMISOM with our partners in EU & AU. US training has been suspended">#SEGLinAfrica

US Africa Media Hub ajouté,

iBurundi @iburundi

#SEGLinAfrica—Will the US re-evaluate the role of #Burundi involvement in peacekeeping missions &how this encourages atrocities in #Burundi? …

0 réponse 11 Retweets 4 j'aime">">US Africa Media Hub@AfricaMediaHub" title="08:53 - 10 nov. 2016">10 nov.

US Africa Media Hub a retweeté US Africa Media Hub

All our efforts are focused on supporting a consensus deal before a constitutional crisis arises on Dec. 19.">#SEGLinAfrica

US Africa Media Hub ajouté,

US Africa Media Hub @AfricaMediaHub

On Dec. 20, Kabila will be illegitimate. What will the U.S. do on this date because the country will be in chaos? #SEGLinAfrica …

0 réponse 21 Retweets 9 j'aime">">US Africa Media Hub@AfricaMediaHub" title="08:52 - 10 nov. 2016">10 nov.

US Africa Media Hub a retweeté Eyokana RDC

On Dec. 20, Kabila will be illegitimate. What will the U.S. do on this date because the country will be in chaos?">#SEGLinAfrica

US Africa Media Hub ajouté,

Eyokana RDC @eyokana

@USAenFrancais @juantedbelkas @US_SEGL Q4: Le 20 dec Kabila est illégitime. Que feront les US à cette date car le pays sera dans le chaos.

0 réponse 4 Retweets 0 j'aime">">US Africa Media Hub@AfricaMediaHub" title="08:51 - 10 nov. 2016">10 nov.

US Africa Media Hub a retweeté US Africa Media Hub

U.S. invests hundreds of millions each year in DRC security & development. Respect for constitution key to prosperous future.">#SEGLinAfrica

US Africa Media Hub ajouté,

US Africa Media Hub @AfricaMediaHub

The DRC has a lot to offer. Is the U.S. willing to recognize its aspirations to prosperity? #SEGLinAfrica …

0 réponse 8 Retweets 3 j'aime">">US Africa Media Hub@AfricaMediaHub" title="08:50 - 10 nov. 2016">10 nov.

US Africa Media Hub a retweeté Musafiri Matongo

The DRC has a lot to offer. Is the U.S. willing to recognize its aspirations to prosperity?">#SEGLinAfrica

US Africa Media Hub ajouté,

Musafiri Matongo @musafiridm

@USAenFrancais @US_SEGL La RDC a beaucoups a offrir aux USA.Les USA sont ils en mesure de lui reconnaitre ses aspirations à la prosperité?

0 réponse 3 Retweets 1 j'aime">">US Africa Media Hub@AfricaMediaHub" title="08:43 - 10 nov. 2016">10 nov.

US Africa Media Hub a retweeté iBurundi

In">#DRC, US emphasized preventative diplomacy, with an earlier application of sanctions & aggressive support of negotiations.">#SEGLinAfrica

US Africa Media Hub ajouté,

iBurundi @iburundi

#SEGLinAfrica What is the US doing differently in DRC compared to what it did in #Burundi? If U reflect on US action in Bdi—how did U do? …

0 réponse 7 Retweets 2 j'aime">">US Africa Media Hub@AfricaMediaHub" title="08:42 - 10 nov. 2016">10 nov.

US Africa Media Hub a retweeté Serge Sesanga

Great Lakes has long received bipartisan support across executive & legislative branches of USG.">#SEGLinAfrica

US Africa Media Hub ajouté,

Serge Sesanga @GhinoSess

#SEGLinAfrica Do you think that D. Trump election as next US president will lead to less pressure over DRC gvt for constitution respect ?

0 réponse 8 Retweets 2 j'aime">">US Africa Media Hub@AfricaMediaHub" title="08:41 - 10 nov. 2016">10 nov.

US Africa Media Hub a retweeté Help Burundi

Path to a peaceful future in">#Burundi passes through the EAC talks, also requires AU monitors on ground.">#SEGLinAfrica

US Africa Media Hub ajouté,

Help Burundi @OnevoiceEA

#Burundi : How do you see future in #Burundi w/ victims / Refugees abandoned to theirs fate with an endemic state of #Impunity #SEGLinAfrica

0 réponse 4 Retweets 1 j'aime">">US Africa Media Hub@AfricaMediaHub" title="08:38 - 10 nov. 2016">10 nov.

.">@US_SEGL: "I’ve just been to Angola, DRC, Rwanda, Burundi, South Africa, and Belgium."">#SEGLinAfrica

0 réponse 2 Retweets 1 j'aime">">US Africa Media Hub@AfricaMediaHub" title="08:37 - 10 nov. 2016">10 nov.

.">@US_SEGL: Great Lakes region of Africa is a priority for">@WhiteHouse &">@JohnKerry. I’m honored to work on these issues.">#SEGLinAfrica


0 réponse 10 Retweets 7 j'aime">US Africa Media Hub@AfricaMediaHub" title="08:31 - 10 nov. 2016">10 nov.

Thanks for joining us for this Twitter Q&A. Looking forward to answering your questions.">#SEGLinAfrica


0 réponse 5 Retweets 8 j'aime">">US Africa Media Hub@AfricaMediaHub" title="08:10 - 10 nov. 2016">10 nov.

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